Use MQTT on the CS463 and CS203X

The CS463 and CS203x now natively supports the MQTT Protocol. Publish topics with RFID data straight to your cloud provider of choice or to your own MQTT Broker.

MQTT is a popular protocol for IoT and can be enabled by upgrading the firmware of the reader. 

Using the MQTT protocol with RFID data opens up new options for system integrators and partners to process and store RFID data with IoT friendly tools. MQTT is supported by all the major cloud providers like Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and the Google Cloud Platform. There are also many open-source options for MQTT brokers, like Mosquito, that can be used to process MQTT data with your own infrastructure if desired.

Using cloud native tools to process MQTT data opens up many possibilities. For example on AWS you can use Rules for IoT to trigger actions based on the MQTT topic stream. Some options allow you to:

  • Invoke a lambda function to enable tag filtering or execute business logic
  • Insert or Update a Dynamo DB table
  • Send a push notification to all users using Amazon SNS
  • Process messages from a large number of devices using Amazon Kinesis
  • And Republish data to AWS IoT Core

Need Help With RFID?

We can help you select the right product and guide your software integration with CSL products. 
